How Cold Therapy Can Reduce Knee Pain
Chronic knee pain may occur due to an accident, surgery, or illnesses like arthritis. One way to relieve the pain is by using cold therapy. As you get older, it’s not uncommon to experience knee pain. It’s important...

Try this strange "bandage-brace" method for knee pain relief (compression therapy guide)
Compression therapy is one of the methods you can use to reduce knee pain. You can wear a compression brace to stabilize the knee joint and decrease swelling (and relieve pain)...

Unusual Pain-Relieving Home Remedies You’ve Never Heard About
Pain management is top-priority for any person dealing with chronic pain. While medication is an option, people also try unusual pain-relieving home remedies. But, do the unusual pain-relieving home remedies work? Is there...

How Inflammation Starts In Your Gut (Including "Hidden" Sources Of Inflammation)
When you’re physically active or working out, you are actually breaking down muscle fibers that then heal up and regrow as stronger, more efficient muscle fibers. That is basically how one gets stronger or more fit over time...

5 Delicious Snacks That Help Reduce Pain (By Fighting Inflammation)
When you’re feeling hungry, instead of going for those bags of crisps or ordering fast food… Why not have a snack that’s not only healthy… But can also reduce pain and inflammation? Yes, there ARE snacks that do this…

Top 7 Exercises For Getting Rid Of Knee Pain Fast
Whether you injured your knee from exercise or just slept on it wrong, knee pain can put a wrench in your daily plans. Luckily, the best (and fastest) way to get rid of knee pain is to stretch and exercise your joints...

Should You Drink Coffee If Your Joints Hurt?
Need a cup of coffee to get you going through your day? Besides tasting great and giving you a quick pick-me-up… Did you know that the caffeine inside your coffee can affect your joints? In today’s guide...

Sleeping Better With Joint Pain - Success Stories From The Community
Have trouble sleeping at night because of the pain? Then today’s article might be helpful to you... Today, we’ve assembled some of the methods that have worked for others who have solved their sleep problems...

Why Heat Therapy Can Be 53% More Effective For Reducing Pain
Heat therapy is a way to reduce pain and stiffness in your body, through the use of various warming methods. It’s not expensive to get started, and you can do it from home today. In this guide, you’ll discover...

Bedtime Snacks And Routines to Help You Get Better Sleep
Whether you have trouble falling asleep, struggle with staying asleep, or can't sleep no matter what you do, it is important to understand how our bedtime routines impact our brain function...